Monday, June 04, 2007

i don't know about that

so, today--this morning, to be exact--i met with the chairman and vice chairman of the company. the conversation with the chairman focused on advertising and our personal lives. the conversation with the vice chairman focused on business. both gave me books to peruse. all three of them are about business. one focuses on how to grow your company--essentially, how to make money. i started thinking about this idea (i certainly have not read the book, yet, an endeavour that will undoubtedly take a large amount of time), when i realized that i am not the type of person who thinks in those terms. i don't know how to grow a business. i don't know how to make money. i only know how to spend money. if i'm given any considerable amount of power in a company, i'll most likely run it into the ground, and if i ever find myself doing the opposite, i'll most likely reverse course just to prove myself in the right. no one likes to be wrong.

recipe #6: 1 part coffee, 1 part semi-skimmed milk, 4 packets of splenda.

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